Monday, 23 January 2012

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My media magazine represents particular social groups by using a specific mise en scene that will catch the eye of any one of my intended audience by using certain colour themes, photos, fonts, words and layouts. This makes it easier for the audience to recognise and notice if my magazine would relate to them.

I ensured my front cover would relate to my intended audience and represent my social group in a positive way as it’s the USP of any magazine, so the theme of indie/rock has really been emphasised so the audience can feel a relation between them and this page. First of all the low contrast black and white picture is very retro and classic and portrays three members dressed to a indie style as well as all having different positions and poses, the background also helps portray my gritty urban London feel. I then chose the colour theme of black, red and white as similar magazines such as NME and Q have this colour theme making it a recognisable magazine and maybe one that’ll stand out from others. Not only does my magazine appeal to this audience and social groups through graphology but through words too, as on the front cover a lot of classic indie bands have been displayed in bold eye catching fonts so they’re not missed. Particular social groups have demographically been selected through advertisement of facebook and twitter apps and competitions that individually relates to a younger teen audience that will recognise these as something they enjoy whereas some adults wouldn’t. These certain features may represent my social group as being party animals, into the simpler things in life such as chilling out with friends and that music is a big part of their life. The Title ModernWaste portrays this young teen attitude to everything and that not to take life to seriously however does explain the importance of hard work and achievement.

The images displayed throughout my magazine are very ‘London’y’ and put a positive impact on the representation of teens at this day and age. As teens can be stereotyped to being young drinkers, smokers, involved with knife crime an portrayed in a negative way so I ensured that all my images were impressive yet still sensible.

My images will also relate to my audience and inspire them to get on with it and make success as the band portrayed are a young and very famous, this helps aspiring musicians feel that it is achievable and to get out there. Overall my social group is represented in a professional and cmuch more grown up way as all my images are mature and of a good quality however still represent them with certain stereotypes of a young adult.

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