Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Article Draft.

A new and upcoming star has hit the streets of the UK, and is bound to send you MWS fans crazy, currently in the charts at number one ……. And has been for 8 weeks running! This new amazing star is sure to keep you entertained. The young hip star that made his way out of London with a storm is here today to show you MWS fans how he does what he does!
So first of all …. Thanks for coming down today to MWS and speaking for us!
Its okay, anything for MWS used to be a reader myself, never ever thought id be where I am now being interviewed for a magazine I used to love.
So the genre indie was this the lifestyle you always lived and do you have a strong passion for this genre?
Ive always been a typical indie, layed back sort of guy, and growing up in London around the brick lane sort of area, I was always into that vintage, rock and roll look and indie music has always been a massive part of my life and current career., and I wouldn’t change that for the world, singing is my thing and has been since I can remember.
So do you really live this crazy lifestyle we see in all the papers?
Well... I always was a trouble maker, and still am, I can’t change that I just love to have a good time and party on down, that’s all part of growing up though! Its also a big part of my look and feel many of the younger generation seem to be doing the same thing, and feel they can relate better to my music, like when I say ‘Time isn’t wasted when you’re getting wastedd’!
So taking it from you last comment, you write all your own songs?
Yes of course, that’s what music’s all about, getting your point and opinion across and this can easily be done through lyrics! I love writing songs and always will do, even if they’re quick songs about anything, random is fun! were also always partial to a quick freestyle for our
fans as its a bit different and always exciting to see what
we come up with.
So how did you all become the famous ‘Urban Kicks’?
Well weve always been friends since we were kids really, all had music like backgrounds and weve just always had a laugh singing while ones strumming a guitar and another tapping away at the drums, so we eventually thought to make music, and luckily the public like us and weve become quite successful but thats all thanks to you guys.
The Name ‘Urban Kicks’? where did this come from?
Well were all sort of urban, and come from london a very urban city, i dont really know why but we just came up with it, just one of those things that clicked really and i like the way it flows.
So i hear your touring the festivals next summer?
Yeah man a place where we used to love and grew up in to love music and now were playing there, so exiting, weve currently booked reading and glastonbury! it will be amazing and we really cant wait for this amazing experience.
So who’s the most popular with the ladies from this band then?
Well its got to be charlie, hes been offered the most modelling spots from this band and ill tell you what that really helps in that department, he has girls throwing themselves at him left tight and center its nuts!
Well its been an honour interviewing you and i tell you ive had fun, one last question will you be returning to MWS when your first in the singles by next year!?
Of course we will, we always have time for MWS, just want to say thanks to all our fans, and keep reading MWS! its the best music magazine you can get, peace out!
Interviewed by Simon Bead.
Catch up with the latest interviews online!

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