Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Mise En Scene

Mise En Scene

My main Image has a twist and is different to any other images featured on my magazine as this picture is edited and been worked on for a long time, on this image i have edited his face to give a graffiti like face paint, that almost look like tears, i edited to look like this because my magazine theme is very vintage and retero and features alot of graffiti, therefore on his face this captures a very appealing and eyecatching image that people can see very clearly from far away. This image also represents an audience and age and genre for my magazine.
Another image used on my front cover represents my genre even better as it concludes of young artists dressed to the style of my magazines genre being indie, also the graffiti background gives the image an urban city feel to it, that makes the image feel very appealing and gives the magazine a proffesional feel to it. Also the black and white image gives the magazine an authentic feel, the low contatrast and bright white appeals to the audience and gives them a sense of honesty and trust. My range of models in this image all have a different pose some looking at the camera anxd some not representing the attitude of the younger audience and how a rebel sort of status is being given away  by this magazine, yet again portraying my intended audience of 16+.

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